Publicize Your News and Events

Medium Description Faculty

Indoor Digital Signage
Hawkeye Comlink
Comlink is the campus digital signage used to keep students updated on upcoming events, promotions, and other news. Contact Student Life. X X
Outdoor Digital Signage Digital signage at each of the entrances on Main Campus. Contact Public Relations and Marketing X X X
E-Newsletter for Parents
Hawkeye Connection
Monthly newsletter sent to parents of current and prospective Hawkeye students who have opted in to receive the newsletter. Parents get the latest from Hawkeye about what is happening around campus and ways to help their student make the most of their time at college. Contact Student Life. X
E-Newsletter for Employees
Hawkeye Happenings

Hawkeye Happenings is the official college newsletter of Hawkeye Community College. Published weekly during the fall and spring semesters and bi-weekly during the summer. Contact the editor in Public Relations and Marketing.

See Hawkeye Happenings Submission Guidelines.

Newsletter for Students
Stall Street
Monthly printed newsletter placed in bathrooms and bathroom stalls throughout campus. Contact Student Life. X
Hawkeye Website

Official Hawkeye website. Contact the webmaster in Public Relations and Marketing

If you have an event you would like to add to the Hawkeye website calendar, please complete the Calendar Request form.

My Hawkeye
My Hawkeye is an intranet portal for students and employees. A Hawkeye username and password is required to access information within My Hawkeye. Contact Communication and Information Systems (CIS). X X
News Release The Public Relations and Marketing office distributes news releases regarding special events, promotions, and other newsworthy items. Contact Public Relations and Marketing. X
Social Media Post Public Relations and Marketing manages the College's official social media presences. Contact Public Relations and Marketing. X
Other If you have questions or ideas, please contact Public Relations and Marketing.

Contact Information

Public Relations and Marketing

Hawkeye Center 222
Email Public Relations and Marketing

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